
In Bangladesh, there are 4.2 million garment workers are working in 5,500 Garment factories. 85% are female worker. Though garment is the largest industrial sector and
Partial view of NGWF central May Day Rally 2015
covering major portion of export but the condition of the Garment workers did not meet fundamental right of worker. They work with lowest wages, longest working hours, unsafe working conditions. Many of the Workers do not have the Appointment letter/contact letter, Service book, Identity card, Wage slip. Most of the workers do not have the housing facilities, Provident fund, Social security or Medical facilities. Most of the cases management does not provide Transportation facilities. Many of the workers work 14 to 16 hours per day and many cases 7 days in a week. They are the lowest paid workers of the country. In 1994 Government had declared Minimum wage for the garment workers sewing machine helper) was Tk.930/ ($13) per month. After 12 years, in 2006 government declared minimum wage for the lowest (sewing machine helper) as TK

1662/ ($ 23) per month. As a result of strong campaign and struggle, in 2010 minimum

wage declared as TK 3000/($ 36 ) per month ( for sewing helper , grade no – 7 ) and for Skilled sewing machine operator as TK. 4218 ($ 50 ) per month. In the mean time price of the commodities become hike but garment workers wage did not

increased so that we start our movement for this. As a result of our movement after 3 years it revised at 2013 & declared for sewing helper (grade no – 7) TK. 5300/  ($67) per month and for Skilled sewing machine operator TK. 6805 ( $ 86 ) per month. According to the law of the country, garment workers have the trade union rights (Right to organize and Right to bargain, ILO convention 87 and 98).  But in reality they do not have. Women workers are facing more problems. Many cases they are not getting maternity leave. Most of the factories do not have the child care center. They face discrimination in wage, Rights, Dignity and promotion.