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Love & Lose

It is always a great feeling when you have a best friend. To talk to, to care for you, and to grow with. But sadly, there is always the common circumstance of losing that best friend. That’s just life and it is very possible to go your separate ways. Yes, it might not happen, but there’s still always the fear of losing a close friend that you hold dear.
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About 5 years ago, I met my best friend. Him and I were inseparable. We were a duo. As we got older, we got more distant, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t best friends. We argue, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t best friends. Just because we have other friends doesn’t mean we aren’t best friends. It’s kind of a cycle, if you think about it. Organized chaos. Some friends come, some friends go. Some stay, some don’t. It’s all a matter of chance.
Everybody has a different life, a different family, and different responsibilities and that is respected. My best friend and I have gone through tough times. We have matured together, cried together, laughed together… you name it. Every day, there are so many different ways it could start and so many different ways it could end. It all depends on who’s starting and ending that day.
As I was saying, loving and losing is very common in a lifetime. No matter what, there will be change, but change is not always bad.
“Everything stays right where you left it. Everything stays, but it still changes. Every so slightly, daily and nightly. In little ways, everything stays.”
-Everything Stays by Rebecca Sugar.

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Peace Love Harmony

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How do we manage life and it’s numerous episodes?
Everyone has their own opinion on this but one thing remains a fact – we can’t always control what happens in our life’s journey. I always watch my behavior in any setting, and how it affects other people around me. No matter how sour things have gone, I always tell a beautiful story out of it. I never dwell on a bad sad experience, but I always try to learn from it or make the best out of it. I never fail to take responsibility for my actions or failure to act. I always tell my siblings “never let yourself open for blame, and never act in a retaliatory manner if someone hurts you”. Always leave yourself blameless for any wrong doing. If you find that you’ve offended someone by your words or deeds, do not hesitate to apologize. We may not know this is the case except when it is mentioned to us. However, we should always seek peace and pursue it. Forgive and love genuinely. Empathize and care for those who can’t because, they carry a heavy heart which is damaging to the mind, body and soul. Give people space in their lives when they need it but don’t take it personal. You don’t know what they are dealing with, but always try to ascertain that you are not the cause of such behavior. And when you find that you are, make ammends immediately without giving it a second thought. I was having a discussion with my dear the other day and something he said stuck with me. He said” keep doing good no matter what because it has a way of vindicating you, and people will eventually see the true picture of a situation”. I smiled and in my mind said to myself “what a great wise man you’ve got”. This is one of the reasons I remain endeared to him. I’ve learned that living my life accordingly not only saves me a lot of headaches, but it also makes navigating through life’s journey a whole lot easier. So far it’s still a good year, I’m still basking in the sense of fulfillment I’m currently experiencing, still happy with life and all its uncertainty, still smiling and so grateful. Once there’s life there’s hope, and once there’s hope you can try, and once you try the sky is the limit. So never say never, be wise in your interaction with others, and make the best out of this year because it’s a good Year. Don’t loose hope when going through life’s journey, love with all your heart, never take anyone for granted – they could be the one you need tomorrow. And finally, always be thankful for what you have no matter what, and don’t loose sleep over what you don’t have. Somehow that which you need has a way of finding you when you least expect it. Just be yourself, keep doing good, stay humble, live peacefully with others and be there for those who need you. Always let your happy self rub-off on those around you.

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Life Is A Travel

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Resting in the cold, stark, waiting room with a Band-Aid covering the vein on my arm, I watched the doctor mumbling words I could not hear to my mom. I assumed the results were in from my latest round of blood tests. It was the third time that week I had been in that waiting room, and I was getting both nervous and scared. No one likes to watch twenty-three vials of blood flowing from their veins. It gives one the feeling that if they are taking that much, there must be something seriously wrong. That is what I thought, and as it turned out, I was right.
Many people say it gets worse before it gets better. In my case that statement held true.
As a young girl, I was always very active. Playing outside in the yard was a favorite of mine, and I always found time to walk with my golf clubs to the driving range. I can remember chasing the ducks that sat by the lake with my brother, not having a care in the world. Virginia is where we lived, and we loved every minute of the hot summer sun, green grass, and fireflies.
As the doctor spoke to my mom, I had so many questions I wanted answered, but was I ready to hear them? What was wrong with me? I should not be going through this at twelve. My thoughts were soon cut short by Dr. Chou’s soft, quiet voice. “You really are in pain aren’t you?” I did not know whether to stay quiet or answer in a way that would seem sarcastic. I can’t even walk up stairs! Of course I’m in pain! “What did the blood tests show?” It was all I could think to say. “Your EPR level, which measures the inflammation in your muscles, is off the charts!” He went on the explain that in a normal person their EPR level is 1 to 20, but when something is wrong, it is much higher. In my case, my level was at a whooping 100! Dr. Chou could not believe it.
When I turned 9, my family decided to take a move out west, and revisit their old community of Silver Lakes in Southern California. It was love at first sight. Two weeks later, we moved into a two-story home right on the golf course. Heaven for my brother and I. We use to hop the fence every chance we got to play as much golf as we could before the ranger spotted us. I think the neighbors called us in every time. My mom became a substitute teacher which quickly led to her homeschooling my brother and I. Apparently she wasn’t fond of the California public school system; however, even as a homeschooled student, you still had to receive a few immunizations for kids my age.
At last, finally someone actually believed I was in pain. Up to that point, my mom just kept thinking my legs hurt so badly because I was experiencing growing pains. My family does not get sick, and if we do there is an unspoken rule to buckle up and tough it out. I learned a long time ago that sympathy in my house is not an option. So for a long time I suffered in silence. To actually have Dr. Chou standing before my mom and I acknowledging I was sick seemed like a dream.
The daydreams started while I listened to him speak words too big for a twelve-year-old to understand. I started wondering if I would be going home that day or if I would become one of the patients I saw passing me on gurneys. I wondered if this is what a hospital feels like when you are one of the patients. At that moment, I did not recognize it as a place for saving a life or giving one, but rather a place to question life. Was I going to sit there and die or fight to stay alive? Obviously, since I am able to write this, you realize I chose to fight. I wanted to figure out what was going wrong with me and fix it. I just did not know how hard it was actually going to be. I did not know then, that things would get worse before they would get better.
At age 12, I had a severe allergic reaction to the Hepatitis B vaccine all students are required to have before they enter the 7th grade. It was the most life-changing moment I have (to this day) ever experienced. I would visit Dr. Chou every week with another strange problem, but even the best doctor in Southern Cali had no idea what was wrong with me. How would you like to feel that?
It was two weeks after my last visit with Dr. Chou when I noticed the bumps. They were hard like rocks, and seemed to be growing on the inside of both wrists. I cannot forget about the constant pain in not one, not two, but all of my joints. And, to top it off, I had this ugly white mark forming on my face and neck. Here we go again; another trip to the doctor and another 10 vials of blood. It was bad enough I had to quit golf. It was bad enough that fellow students called me names like granny hands, and duck because I waddled in pain from class to class.
My doctor diagnosed me first with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and then changed it to Lupus. Now the strange thing is that lupus is hereditary, and absolutely no one in our family had ever had it. My mother and I went from doctor to doctor trying to see if anyone had answers but we always came up short. Eventually, it was my mom that started putting everything together. All of my problems started happening after my hepatitis b shots. Every child had to receive them to enter the seventh grade. After the first set of shots I got hives, which is a huge reaction. Why didn’t the doctors tell us? I got hives twice and shingles after the third shots. Everything matches up with my conditions and the shots. Yeast is a huge part of the vaccine and I soon became allergic to it. Mercury is also a huge part of the vaccine and if you have an allergic reaction to that you can have extreme muscle inflammation. It all started making sense.
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To this day, my body is in pain, but my spirit is higher than it has ever been.
I don’t want to bore you with any more negative stories so here is the point to my crazy journey of life. Who am I? I’m not sure. Who could I have been without those shots? I don’t know. But when I think about what I have been through, and what I have overcome, I know I was meant to be here. I know I was meant to share my story, and speak to those who have the same questions. Life is a journey. One that God set for you before you were even born. Live that journey to the best of your ability, keep your head held high, and share the love God instilled with everyone that crosses your path.
God Bless


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Real Story

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A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call asap, changed his clothes & went directly to the surgery block. He found the boy’s father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor. On seeing him, the dad yelled:
“Why did you take all this time to come? Don’t you know that my son’s life is in danger? Don’t you have any sense of responsibility?”
The doctor smiled & said:
“I am sorry, I wasn’t in the hospital & I came as fast as I could after receiving the call…… And now, I wish you’d calm down so that I can do my work”
“Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would you calm down? If your own son dies now what will you do??” said the father angrily
The doctor smiled again & replied: “I will say what Job said in the Holy Book “From dust we came & to dust we return, blessed be the name of God”. Doctors cannot prolong lives. Go & intercede for your son, we will do our best by God’s grace”
“Giving advises when we’re not concerned is so easy” Murmured the father.
The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy,
“Thank goodness!, your son is saved!” And without waiting for the father’s reply he carried on his way running. “If you have any question, ask the nurse!!”
“Why is he so arrogant? He couldn’t wait some minutes so that I ask about my son’s state” Commented the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.
The nurse answered, tears coming down her face: “His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was in the burial when we called him for your son’s surgery. And now that he saved your son’s life, he left running to finish his son’s burial.”
Moral – Never judge anyone….. because you never know how their life is and what they’re going through”
Don’t Forget To Share This ….SPREAD HUMANITY 🙂
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True Words Can Give Hope To Others

You don’t require to give something to others for them to feel appreciated. Not money or material things. One gesture can give hope. One positive word can create a smile to those people who are broken hearted, hopeless, depress and wants to give-up. Giving time to someone is priceless. A precious smile can bring sunshine. So be an angel to your friend when he or she needs you. Sometimes we make things complicated in a way we think a lot. Simple things are brilliant. Being there to a person you want to help is a gift already. But one thing we must remember, don’t expect for a return. Wait and see because God has a reward, more than what you imagine. Lets help others and be the person what God wants us to be.